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Andrea Patiño found more than employment through her degree in Spanish Teaching

Andrea Patiño found more than employment through her degree in Spanish Teaching

    “The Department of Languages, Cultures, and Humanities is more than an academic department; it is where a student can grow and achieve their goals. For me, it is a place where I found what my goals were, and achieved them. I was able to learn about culture and language more than I thought I would and use that to figure out what I wanted to achieve after college. In that Department, I found individuals that not only supported me, but also challenged me. This allowed me to grow as an individual and amplify my knowledge.

    The experiences I was able to go through allowed me to become more compassionate, understanding, and informed. Because of these, I decided to teach after graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Teaching. I am currently a Spanish teacher at Madison Central High School in Richmond. I am grateful for the opportunities to become involved in the community because they led me to decide that I wanted to continue to support the community in Richmond.

    I am incredibly thankful for the faculty and staff in the Department of Languages, Cultures, and Humanities at Eastern Kentucky University. They are inspiring individuals that truly want to see all students succeed in, not only their college career, but their path after.”

Andrea Patiño, B.A. in Spanish Teaching

Published on August 24, 2020

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