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Mizari Suarez discovered tough love and encouragement leads to career options close to the heart.

Mizari Suarez

The Department of Languages, Cultures, and Humanities is the epitome of faculty and staff working together for the success of EVERY student. It's not just a department within the university; it is a group of individuals who take it upon themselves to advocate and fight for students.

As a transfer student from BCTC, being a Spanish major was not something I ever thought of, initially, I was a Social Justice Student. My understanding of a Spanish degree was limited, and I thought to myself, "I never want to teach Spanish! So why would I get a degree in Spanish!" It took me nearly six years to get my bachelor's, and in 2018 I was sick of college. I never was a "traditional student," and I just needed to get a degree. I was pulled into the program by Dra. Zaragoza and Dra. Poffenberger. Deep down, it wasn't what I wanted, but I came around. My notions of the Spanish program, just being grammar and writing, were canceled when I took a course on Afro-Latinos. I was able to use my knowledge on critical race theory (which is my jam!), and other theories of learning more about the rich and complex history of Latin America. In every course, I was able to draw upon my experience in the Latinx community and even courses I took within CRJ/SJS.  My last year at EKU was a tough one, and I had one goal: graduate! But life happens to all of us, and the Spanish department was not just professors teaching culture and language but a group of individuals who saw me at my lowest and picked up every time with tough love and encouragement.

Now, I'm the Latinx recruiter for EKU! I'm out in the community sharing what EKU and the department have to offer to Latinx students and trust me, I know firsthand what this department has to offer, academically, but also professionally, and personally. 


Published on August 31, 2020

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