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August 2020

Mizari Suarez discovered tough love and encouragement leads to career options close to the heart.

Mizari Suarez

The Department of Languages, Cultures, and Humanities is the epitome of faculty and staff working together for the success of EVERY student. It's not just a department within the university; it is a group of individuals who take it upon themselves to advocate and fight for students.

Andrea Patiño found more than employment through her degree in Spanish Teaching

    “The Department of Languages, Cultures, and Humanities is more than an academic department; it is where a student can grow and achieve their goals. For me, it is a place where I found what my goals were, and achieved them. I was able to learn about culture and language more than I thought I would and use that to figure out what I wanted to achieve after college.

Tristan Garner's experience in his BA in Spanish leads to Graduate School

Tristan Garner

   "The Spanish program at EKU provided me with so much experience and knowledge that made me feel so much more excited for the future. From the diverse content to the plethora of opportunities to learn and practice, the program truly changed my experience with the language and the surrounding cultures.

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